Friday, May 7, 2010

Back to Life!

I am back from the dead and ready to blog again. How a 32 year-old mother of two gets mono I am still trying to figure out, but in the mean time, I am just so happy to be feeling like a normal human being. I essentially missed out on the last 6 weeks of my spring following an impromptu gall bladder removal. I am guessing my system was just stripped off everything protective in the hospital, and then opened the door (with a giant "ENTER HERE!" sign) to the following: extreme fatigue, strep throat, an ear infection, sweating like a 500 lb. man, and the best of all, the symptom that rounded things out for me last weekend ... a full-body rash! Woo-hoo! Seriously, the worst 6 weeks of my life. I tried to have fun at Trivia (which I look forward to all year) and tried to be entertaining for the kids (as much as possible), but for the most part I was a pile of tired.

But I am BACK!

Here are some recent pics from Trivia and our mini-golfing excursion.

Elliot is 4 and 1/2 going on 15. Where's my learner's permit?

Mini-golfing was more about things to climb on that actually focusing on the holes ...

Or watching for low clearances.

Libbi didn't try to hit the ball in the hole once. However, she carried her putter and ball for the entire 18 holes.

One of my "shinier" moments during Trivia.

Kisses for Daddy.

Little Trivia cheerleaders in the making. Lily was way more into this than Libbi -- she gets that from her mom. I didn't like cheerleaders either.

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